chartmuseum and helm dependecies are efficient tools to deploy applications for different customers. This reduce duplicated lines of code in helm charts, and provide versioned helm charts the software provided to the customer for rollingback easily, and fit gitops very well. When searhing for a tutorial I didn’t find one, so I write this myself.
chartmuseum is a rest service that you can get/modify/delete helm charts, and support storing them in cloud.
Helm dependencies
Helm dependencies allow to link one helm chart with the other and generate a chart that represents a group of charts.
So you can define one application requires which services to be able to work.
For example,
wordpress needs mariadb
You can configure mariadb in values.yaml
You can find the chart repository points to
For your customized chart, you can push it to chartmuseum running locally.
I have to provide software for Nike and Adidas. Nike buys my shipping and ordering services, whereas Adidas buys shipping service only.
A helm chart depends on shipping and ordering, looks like the following:
ApiVersion: v2
name: nike
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
version: 1.5.0dependencies:
- name: shipping
version: 21.0.0
repository: http://localhost:8080
- name: ordering
version: 12.0.0
repository: http://localhost:8080
ApiVersion: v2
name: adidas
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
version: 1.1.0dependencies:
- name: shipping
version: 22.1.1
repository: http://localhost:8080
This brings lots of flexibilities of versioning. Chart museum stores all versions of charts. If a new version doesn’t work, it’s very simple to rollback by deploying the old version of chart.
For example, the shipping service is updated to a newer version, and the chart version is also updated to 1.6.0, if this version doesn’t work, it’s very straightforward to rollback to the previous version 1.5.0.
ApiVersion: v2
name: nike
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
version: 1.6.0dependencies:
- name: shipping
version: 22.1.1
repository: http://localhost:8080
- name: ordering
version: 12.0.0
repository: http://localhost:8080
Step by step demo
Start a chartmuseum locally using docker-compose
version: '3'
image: chartmuseum/chartmuseum:latest
- ~/.helm/repository/local:/data/charts
- "8080:8080"
- STORAGE=local
- PORT=8080
Create shipping and ordering service
helm create shipping // create a chart called shipping
helm create orderinghelm repo add chartmuseum http://localhost:8080helm push shipping chartmuseum // push the chart to chart museum
helm push ordering chartmuseum
Now prepare the chart for our customer, nike.
helm create nike
remove all stuff in templates and keep Chart.yaml and values.yaml
add dependencies to Chart.yaml
- name: shipping
version: 0.1.0
repository: http://localhost:8080
- name: ordering
version: 0.1.0
repository: http://localhost:8080
Then, run
helm dep up // generats a lock file for helm dep
helm push nike chartmuseum
You should see charts in http://localhost:8080/api/charts
In gitops, when a PR of shipping service merged into master, the version is updated, let’s say from 1.5 to 1.6, CI pushes the updated version 1.6 to chartmuseum. Someone has to manually update the version of shiping service in nike chart to 1.6 by a PR. When this PR in nike chart is merged, nike chart is then deployed to k8s.